Saskia Bultman (1985) is gepromoveerd genderhistoricus die schrijft, een eigen redactiebureau voor Engelse teksten heeft en als freelance onderzoeker werkt.

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  • EMILY DICKINSON AND SLUT-SHAMING: Bees, harebells and hookups
    No matter how many books and articles have been written about the poetry of Emily Dickinson, there always seems to be more to say. Recently, her poetry has been linked to contemporary topics such as race and Black Lives Matter, and she herself has – because of her famous reclusive lifestyle towards the end of…
  • NOT JUST JANE EYRE’S UGLY STEP SISTER: An appreciation of Charlotte Brontë’s ‘The Professor’
    My Brontë obsession began when I was twelve, when I read Wuthering Heights. I’m not sure I fully understood the book at that age, or even when I reread it at age sixteen, but there was something about the Brontës themselves that captured my imagination. Three incredibly creative and talented sisters, with a brother who…
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